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Trading Places: The East India Company and Asia
The English East India Company: Spices and Silks Menu
A busy trade had been criss-crossing the Asian seas and oceans for centuries, but Europeans did not reach India by sea until 1498. The Portuguese sailor Vasco da Gama was the first. Indian ships and Chinese junks traded with the many islands at the "corner" of Asia, the source of spices. These ships used the monsoon winds to blow them East across the Indian Ocean in Summer and back again in Winter.
Printer using hand block to print blue cloth

Spices, silks, precious stones and other luxury items had been brought overland from the East to Europe for centuries. Spices such as cloves, nutmeg, and peppercorns are light in weight but their value was very high. The Europeans used these spices to disguise the taste of meat that was bland or over-salted - even meat that was rotting. Spices were also used in medicines and as perfumes.

During the 1600s, pepper was the most important part of the East India Company's trade. Much of the pepper that was sold in London was sold to other countries.

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